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Add PocketPlatform Users to Your Google Play Developer Account

In order to for our team to help you with your app, you'll need to add two PocketPlatform team members as users on your Google Play developer account.

  1. Log in to the Google Play Console using your Google Play account.
  2. Click Users and permissions.

    Image showing a button with an icon of a person and the words "Users and permissions"

  3. On the Users & Permissions screen, at the top of the list of users, click the vertical dots on the far-right, and select Invite new users.

    Image showing the vertical dots button with the menu options "Export user list" and "Invite new users"

  4. Send invitations to Tyndall Wakeham at tyndall@acst.com and Morgan Falzone at morgan@acst.com.
    1. Enter the Email address of the PocketPlatform team member.

      Image showing the "User details" section with an "Email address" field and the team member's email entered

    2. Required: Click Account permissions, and select Admin (all permissions).

      Example of the Account Permissions form with the "Admin (all permissions)" checkbox selected

    3. Click Invite User.
    4. In the message box that displays, click Send invite.

      Image showing the "Send invite?" message box with the email address you're sending to and a "Send invite" button

That's all! Enjoy a really good cup of coffee.

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