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Additional Cleanup

A list of additional areas to clean up once you reverse a payment, including for canceled event registrations or invoices and partial refunds or discounts.

For Canceled Event Registrations/Invoices

Update the Invoice Record
  1. In the navigation menu, click Products & Payments > Invoices.
  2. Open the related Invoice record.
  3. Click Edit Record.
  4. Update the Invoice Total to 0.00.
  5. Update the Invoice Status to Cancelled.
  6. Click Save.
Update the Invoice Detail Record
  1. In the navigation menu, click Products & Payments > All Invoice Detail.
  2. Open the related Invoice Detail record.
  3. Click Edit Record.
  4. Update the Line Total to 0.00.
  5. Click Save.
    This ensures people won't get confused if they look at their purchase history online because it won't look like they owe what you just refunded them.
Update the Event Participant Record
Note: Update the Event Participant record if you refunded the payment because the person is no longer attending an event they registered for.
  1. In the navigation menu, click People Lists > Event Participants.
  2. Open the related Event Participant record.
  3. Click Edit Record.
  4. Update the Participation Status to Cancelled.
  5. Click Save.
Process the Payment
  1. Process the payment as per your usual process. The payment must have Processed set to Yes for th correction to display online.

For Partial Refunds/Discounts

Update the Invoice Record
  1. In the navigation menu, click Products & Payments > Invoices.
  2. Open the invoice.
  3. Click Edit Record.
  4. Update the Invoice Total to reflect the correction.
  5. If needed, update the Invoice Status.
  6. Click Save.
Update the Invoice Detail Record
  1. Keep the invoice detail with the original total.
  2. Add a new Invoice Detail record to the Invoice for the amount of the refund or discount. This will probably need to be a negative amount.
Update the Payment & Payment Detail Records
  1. Create a payment for the refund or discount.
  2. Create a payment detail for the refund or discount. Be sure to select the new invoice detail to connect it to the payment detail.