Payments FAQ
Answers to frequently asked questions about payments in the Platform, including methods for viewing payment types, adjusting invoices, and handling event registrations.
Create a view on the Payment Detail page. From this page, you can add and filter on both the payment type and event name fields.
To make these adjustments, go to Edit, and change the Line Total to $0. Then ensure everything looks correct by running the Selected Invoice Printout report from the Invoices page before sending the payment history link to the user to have them pay the balance.
, click the discount that they took but do not qualify for, clickIf you open the Event record and put a person who pays cash into the event using the New button on the Participant sub-page, then they are available for the Add a Payment Tool. Then when you launch the Add a Payment tool on that open Event record, you can select that person you added. The middle section of the tool allows you to complete the associated form that was attached to the event, and that would have been filled out if the had done it online.
- MPE = Event
- MPP = Payment from Purchase History on open Invoice
- MP0 = First recurring donation using Online Giving page in donor's cart (MP1 would be the second, MP2 the third)
- MPM = mission trip donation using Mission Trip Giving page
- MPT = one-time donation using Online Giving page
For example, the invoice number MP1-052214085241 means it was the second recurring transaction in the donor's cart (MP1) and was set up May 21, 2014 (052114) at approximately 8:52am (085241).
MinistryPlatform is not an accounting software and is not designed to calculate or separate taxable amounts from payments. If you use Shelby General Ledger, here is one approach for making tracking of taxable income easier:
- Set up your Registration Product so that the taxable and non-table amounts are "separate" (for example, one is the Product Base Price and one is a Product Option Group).
- Set up your Product Option Groups to have a different Shelby account code.
- Then, any Product Option "sales" are credited to a different income account than the other portions of the registration payment.
The MinistryPlatform equivalent of a "Project Code" is an Event record. An Event has a field called Project Code. There you can put the corresponding Project Code number from Shelby v5 General Ledger. The rest of the income coding comes from the corresponding Program or the Product Option Group record.
The top Price is the Base Price of the Event. The price you "pay" no matter the options you choose. The bottom Total Price is your running total. The base price plus any options chosen.
Do the typical reversal process, and set the negative amount Payment as Processed to Yes. This makes the invoice come up on their My Purchase History page as owing money.
Payments don't follow the same process/flow as Donations. Processing the payments marks them as processed, allows you to assign a Merchant Batch value, and helps with reconciling to your bank deposits.
This is not recommended as common practice, as you will lose the visibility of the original Purchases paying part of the invoice (you can still see at the Payment level, but not the Invoice level). Thus, it can make it difficult to unravel questions that might arise in the future like reports, receipts, etc. However, since they are a parent/child, you might decide the risk of confusion is lower. So, if you decide to change whose My Purchase History the balance shows up under:
- Go to and open the Invoice.
- Click Edit.
- Change the Purchaser to the person paying the balance (in this example, the student).
- Click Save.
Now, when the student logs in to the widget, the Invoice with the remaining balance will show on their My Invoices page.
One option is to have the staff that receives or initiates the request for refund to go to the Payment record and choose
and assign a task to the appropriate Accounting staff member for processing.Cash and check payments can be handled using the Add a Payment Tool. For credit payments, you can initiate the transaction in, then post the payment using the Add a Payment Tool.
No, credit and debit card numbers are not stored by the MinistryPlatform system even if they were accidentally returned to the MinistryPlatform system by the payment processor. The MinistryPlatform system only stores transaction ID/confirmation information.
No, this is currently not an option.
Donations are tax-deductible and registration payments are non-tax deductible. Best practice is to always keep tax deductible and non-tax deductible transactions separate. Programs can be assigned as non-tax deductible. So, in theory, the check could be assigned to two different Programs (with different deductible settings) when it's processed, but this method is not recommended. Again, best practice is to always keep tax deductible and non-tax deductible transactions separate.
We use to process all of the payments. You should be able to log in to their system and view more reports. It is helpful to ensure that their batching time for your account is set to 11:59 p.m.
Payments for event registration DO NOT show up on the contribution statement.
It is not recommended to make manual changes to an Invoice record, however, in rare cases an individual needs to make an adjustment to their registration. Proceed with caution. If records are not added correctly, errors will occur when the participant attempts to pay their remaining balance in the My Invoices widget.
- Open the Registrant's Invoice record, create a new Invoice Detail by clicking New on the Invoice Detail tab.
- Update the Invoice Total on the Invoice record to reflect the addition of the Invoice Detail.
- Update the Invoice Status to Some Paid or None Paid as needed.
- Navigate to the Payment record associated with the Invoice (either by searching directly on the All Payments page or by navigating thru the sub-page records using the jump links).
- Create a new Payment Detail for $0 on the Payment record and associate it with the new Invoice Detail. The participant will now have an outstanding balance on their Invoice record that can then be paid via the My Invoices widget.
- Add the Participant to the Event.
- Launch the Add a Payment Tool and select your Event Participant. Add a payment (even though you have not received funds yet). This will then create the correct Invoice and corresponding Payment Detail records that will allow for payments to be made via the My Purchase History.
- Go to the Invoices page:
- Change the Invoice Status to None Paid.
- Go to the corresponding Payment record:
- Change the Payment Total to zero.
- Change each Payment Detail Amount to zero.
Use the Add a Payment Tool to add the payment amount to each Participant. For example, if ten Participants are splitting $1,000 of funds raised, each Participant would get a $100 payment added towards their balance owed. Using the Add a Payment Tool ensures the funds are credited towards their balance owed.