Enter Donations Manually
How you process donations from a service depends on how your church wants to do it. Here are some tips and tricks to consider:
- Use a combination of volunteers and staff to count and stack all cash and checks.
- Checks are sorted into stacks of no more than 50.
- Checks are sorted into stacks based on designations (single designations to a specific congregation in one pile, single designations to a building campaign in another, mixed designations in another).
- Check stacks are counted and tallied and a receipt from the calculator is attached to the stack (usually with the counter and verifier's initials on it).
- Some sort of Excel spreadsheet is completed either on paper or computer with a listing of how many checks and the amount for each stack (include the type of stack).
- Stacks are then scanned into the Batch Manager Tool as individual batches.
- Batches are verified using one of the reports (most churches run the Batch Summary Report).
- Once all numbers match, the deposit is made to the bank.