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Unassign Donations from a Batch

You can revisit the Batch record to confirm the selected donations no longer display on that batch. An alternative approach is to select the Batch record on the Batches page in MinistryPlatform and delete that record. Deleting a batch in this manner leaves the donations in the system unassigned.
  1. In the navigation menu, click Contributions > Batches.
  2. Open the Batch record that contains the donations you want to remove.
  3. Click the Donations tab.
  4. Select the donation records you want to remove.
  5. Click the two stacked arrows, with the top arrow pointing right and the bottom arrow pointing left . to transfer the selection to the Donations page.
  6. Click the Donations folder.
  7. Click Transfer, and click OK.
  8. On the Donations page, click Actions > Assign.
  9. Clear the the Batch field on the selection of donations.
  10. Click Assign.