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MinistryPlatform Extensions

Points North Systems developed MinistryPlatform Extensions as a collection of texting, button snippets, and other extended functions:

  • Text to Register for an Event (by Event, Program, Group).
  • Text to Check-in to an Event (by Event, Program, Group).
  • Text to Respond to an Opportunity.
  • Text to Respond to an Event (as Interested).
  • Text to Inquire on a Group.
  • Text to Feedback (Prayer, Praise, and so on).
  • Text to Subscribe to Publication.

Initial Setup and Requirements

Points North Systems completes setup, and you must have Admin access to MinistryPlatform server(s) for installation.

An MinistryPlatform Extensions webhook is set up against your Twilio text messaging number and then configured under Administration > Configuration Settings.

Data in MinistryPlatform

MinistryPlatform Extensions creates the following pages:

  • Text Functions
  • Text Keywords
  • Text Archives

Text Functions

  • Keyword: The word that congregants use in their text message (for example, PRAY).
  • Text Function: Designated action in MinistryPlatform
  • Text to CheckIn (Event Participant 03 Attended)
  • Text to Feedback (Feedback - for example, prayer request)
  • Text to Register (Event Participant 02 Registered)
  • Text to Respond (Event Participant 01 Interested, Response to Opportunity, or Group Inquiry)
  • Text to Subscribe (Publication Subscription)
  • Text to Pledge (to a campaign)
  • Event/Program/Group/Opportunity/Publication/Feedback Type: Determines the type of record created.
  • Response Text: The text message sent back to the congregant. Tokens are available.


Please email info@pointsnorthsys.com to request a proposal.


Ongoing support is provided by Points North Systems. Reach their support team at info@pointsnorthsys.com.

See Also