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Message Metrics

Message Metrics is a core tool that displays statistics about messages sent through MinistryPlatform. It was developed by Points North Systems.

Data in MinistryPlatform

Message Metrics creates a Message Metrics page as well as a tab on the Message record. These pull information from SendGrid about messages you've sent through MinistryPlatform.

Core Tool

The Message Metrics core tool displays the following information:

  • Summary of opens, unopens, bounces, and unsubscribes.
  • Each individual recipient of the message and the outcome of the message to that person.
  • Links in the message and the number of clicks per link.
  • A chart of the number of clicks per link.
  • Which recipients clicked on the various links.
  • A preview of the message.

Initial Setup and Requirements

Points North Systems completes setup, and you must have Admin access to MinistryPlatform server(s) for installation.


Please email info@pointsnorthsys.com to request a proposal for each integration they offer.


Ongoing support for each integration is provided by Points North Systems. Reach their support team at info@pointsnorthsys.com.

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