Configure Print Service
The Check-In Suite Print Service must be installed on a machine that meets the following requirements.
System Requirements
- 2+ Gigs of RAM
- 2+ GHz
- NET Framework 4.7.2 (or 4.8)
- Support for SHA-256
- Windows 10 requires updating to v1903 to support SHA-256
- Windows 2016 requires updating to v1709 to support SHA-256
- You cannot have the same machine name with another machine also running the Check-In Suite Print Service).
Install the Print Service
- From the Check-In Suite Home screen, click Configure Print Service.
- Click Install.
- Open the Print Service download.
- Click Run to open the Setup Wizard.
- Click Next.
- Review the install location and change it if needed.
- Click Next.
- Click Install.
- Click Finish.
Once verified, you can click the blue Print Service is Configured button to print a test page. This provides useful data, including the current Print Service version, machine, and a list of connected printers.
Configure a Local Printer
After you finish installing the print, be sure to configure your printers! Find printer-specific instructions here. If you don't configure your printers, they might not work as expected.
- You will see confirmation that the print service is configured.
- A Print Server record is created in the Platform.
Configure a Remote Printer
- From the Check-In Suite Home screen, click Check-In Kiosk.
- Click Settings.
- Click Print Settings.
- Under Print Labels, choose specific printer or room. This may depend on how your remote printers are organized in your building/kiosks.
- Update Printer Mappings as needed.