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Configure Print Service

The Check-In Suite Print Service must be installed on a machine that meets the following requirements.

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements:
  • 2+ Gigs of RAM
  • 2+ GHz
Software Prerequisites:
  • NET Framework 4.7.2 (or 4.8)
  • Support for SHA-256
Windows Desktop - Windows 10 or 11 (Pro or Enterprise):
  • Windows 10 requires updating to v1903 to support SHA-256
Windows Server:
  • Windows 2016 requires updating to v1709 to support SHA-256
Unique machine name:
  • You cannot have the same machine name with another machine also running the Check-In Suite Print Service).
Important: The Check-In Suite Print Service requires installation on a Windows machine. Check-In Suite can be used on other systems, however, for printing label sets, the local machine or the machine with the remote printer must be a Windows machine. Bluetooth printing is not supported.

Install the Print Service

  1. From the Check-In Suite Home screen, click Configure Print Service.
  2. Click Install.
  3. Open the Print Service download.
  4. Click Run to open the Setup Wizard.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Review the install location and change it if needed.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Install.
  9. Click Finish.

Once verified, you can click the blue Print Service is Configured button to print a test page. This provides useful data, including the current Print Service version, machine, and a list of connected printers.

Configure a Local Printer

After you finish installing the print, be sure to configure your printers! Find printer-specific instructions here. If you don't configure your printers, they might not work as expected.

  1. From the Configure Print Service dialog, click Verify.
  2. If needed, create a URL exception in your browser settings to allow Check-In to communicate with the Print Service:
    Note: Most browsers require this step including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
Once configured and verified:
  • You will see confirmation that the print service is configured.
  • A Print Server record is created in the Platform.

Configure a Remote Printer

Important: For remote printing, the Print Service and the system requirements must also be installed on your local network on a server that can talk to your printers. For Dedicated and Shared Cloud churches, this means something other than your MinistryPlatform server. For Self Hosted churches, your MinistryPlatform server is okay but not recommended.
Note: The machine acting as the remote printer does not have to run Check-In Suite, but it must be a Windows machine.
  1. From the Check-In Suite Home screen, click Check-In Kiosk.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Print Settings.
  4. Under Print Labels, choose specific printer or room. This may depend on how your remote printers are organized in your building/kiosks.
  5. Update Printer Mappings as needed.
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