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May 3, 2023

View enhancements and corrections released on May 3, 2023.


Change another person's email address. Administrators can change someone else's account email address. Edit that individual's profile, then, under the current account email address, click Update account email.

Realm Sign In

Two-step verification is temporarily suspended for all Realm accounts.

Due to feedback from our ministry partners, we have temporarily suspended two-step verification for all accounts. We are working to implement your feedback and will provide ample notice before we reinstate two-step verification again.

In this release:

  • Individuals will not receive a prompt to use two-step verification, such as email, text message, or device security, to sign in to Realm.

  • Individuals can sign in using their email and password credentials, as before.

  • Individuals can still sign in with their Google or Apple accounts. They can also set up a new connection between Realm and their Google or Apple accounts if they have not already.

Go Method Integration

Select Go Method as a payment type for Giving Amount (total). Create a custom query to see the total amount given from the newly integrated Go Method.

Custom Query example with selections for Giving Amount (total) is greater than/equal to $5.00 AND Payment Type is equal to Go Method

Coming Soon

Formal label names will show up in more places! The formal and informal label names you select will display anywhere in Realm that contains an individual's name.

Export formal and informal label names with custom queries. Soon, you can add formal and informal label names to your custom queries and export them in their appropriate columns.

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