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August 23, 2023

View new features and enhancements released on August 23, 2023.

Volunteer Management

Allow volunteers to sign up for volunteer opportunities on a schedule. When you create or edit a schedule, you can now enable the Volunteer Signup option.

When you publish a schedule with this option enabled, volunteers can add themselves to the schedule based on their team roles.

Email a schedule link to volunteers. You can send a link to a schedule to all volunteers on a team, or just an individual.

To send to an individual, go to the team roster, click The More Options icon. next to the volunteer, and then select Email Schedule Link.

To send to all volunteers, go to the Schedules tab, click The More Options icon. next to the schedule, and select Get Shareable Link. Here, you can click Email Schedule Link.

Email a volunteer when adding or approving. When you add or approve a volunteer on a team, you now have the option to send the volunteer a notification email.

Sign up for a schedule as a volunteer. When an administrator or team leader publishes a schedule with the Volunteer Signup option enabled, volunteers can now select their own serving opportunities on the schedule.

Volunteers can find these schedules in two ways:

  • From a schedule link in a email sent from the administrator or team leader

  • From the Schedules tab on a team’s page

On the schedule’s page the volunteer can see which serving opportunities are available. They can then click +Add under any opportunity to sign up for it.

If there are multiple time slots available for that opportunity, a volunteer can select Repeat and sign up for additional opportunities.

If the volunteer is not yet approved to serve in that role on the team, a role request will be sent to the team leader and must be approved first.


A new way to view profiles in Pathways. When you click on an individual's name a new tab opens next to your pathway tab. Now you can switch between your pathway and profile tabs to find information.

Invitation Models

Invitation models are easier to update and more visible. At the top of the Account Summary page, you'll see a message about your invitation model. This tells you what your current invitation model is, what it does, and how to update it. If you decide to update your invitation model, an alert displays to confirm this change and gives you information about the new model. The security level of your selected model displays next to the Invitation Model field. To learn more about invitation models, click beside the Invitation Model field.

Change Log

View pending invites that were removed. In your Change Log, you'll see when an invite was removed and who made this change.

Coming Soon

Give in memory or in honor of someone. Soon, you can provide a way for contributors to dedicate their gifts as they complete a giving form. After they give, you can report on all contributions given in memory and in honor.