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July 26, 2023

View new features, enhancements, and corrections released on July 26, 2023.

Text Messaging

View an individual's texting status. You can now view whether an individual is opted in, opted out, or unregistered (has not opted in or opted out) from the Contact Information section of their profile page. If an individual is opted in, you can see the mobile number they are using. Individuals can also view this information on their own profile.

A profile of an individual who has opted into text messaging.

Text STOP to opt out of text messaging. Anyone can now reply with STOP to any Realm text to opt out of text messaging. This stops all texts to that individual from your Realm texting number.

Text START to opt back into text messaging. If someone has opted out of text messaging, the only way for them to opt back in is to text START to your Realm texting number. You can find this number on the Text Messaging page in Realm.

Text START to opt in to text messaging. Individuals can also text START to your Realm texting number to opt into texting without filling out the consent form.

Registration Events

Sending an email to registrants has moved. To send an email to registrants, go to the Registrants tab, select the registrants from the list, then select Send Email from the Select an action drop down menu.


Volunteers can turn on/off participant ages. Now volunteers can control what groups show participant ages when posting attendance. By default, this option is turned on when a volunteer adds or edits a group. When turned off for a group, all participant ages are hidden.

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