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May 31, 2023

View new features, enhancements, and corrections released on May 31, 2023.

Label Names

Select formal or informal individual labels. When you print individual labels for group or pathway participants, select whether you want the label to display their formal or informal name. This option displays when you print individual labels from the Attendance and Involvement dashboards as well.

Select or edit formal or informal labels when you perform the following tasks:

  • Edit an individual's basic profile information
  • Print individual labels from Groups, Pathways, the Attendance Dashboard, and the Involvement Dashboard
  • Generate a Contribution or Pledge Statement
  • Print labels and export lists for Giving Amount (total), Pledge Amount (total), Group Attendance, and Pathway Participation custom query reports

Refresh Websites

View your site stats. With site stats, you have information about how many visitors viewed your website and what content was most important to them. To see an overview of your site stats, click the Info & Tools icon () in the website editor’s navigation bar, and then click Stats. To dive deeper into your site stats, click Open Stats from the overview.

For more information about what your site stats mean and how you can use them, click here.

Receive your site stats in an email. You can receive a site stats email if you prefer to have your stats sent to you. If you want to change the frequency of this email or to stop receiving it completely, you can do this within Realm.

Go to the Users page in the Refresh Websites section of the Ministry Hub, then edit a user. Select a frequency, or turn the email off, from the Website Statistics Email Subscription drop-down menu.

Updates to the website media manager. There are a number of updates to the new media manager including:

  • The option to Upload images from a site. From the Images section of the media manager, click Import images, then select From a site from the drop down menu. Enter the URL address of the site, then click Show images.

  • A new List View that helps you see names and dates of your media more clearly. Toggle between the views by clicking the icons next to the Sort function.

  • When you open a folder in the media manager and then upload a file, that file will upload directly to the folder you have open.