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June 28, 2023

View new features, enhancements, and corrections released on June 28, 2023.

Text Messaging

In order to remain in compliance with Twilio's messaging policy, our partner vendor who handles all of our text messaging, all individuals must now opt in before they can receive text messages from Realm. Because of this, the auto opt in option is no longer available and sharing texting to the newsfeed was removed.

Send an opt-in email to unregistered individuals. You can now send an opt-in email to all individuals who have a phone number on their profile.

Note: Even if they have received texts in the past, all individuals must opt in again through the consent form to continue receiving text messages.

You can send an opt-in email from the Text Messaging Settings page.

Individuals can click a link in this email to fill out an opt-in form, which gives their consent to receive text messages from Realm.

This form will already be filled out with the individual’s profile information, however the individual can select the number at which they prefer to receive text messages. We will validate to ensure the number given is a mobile number, and if it is not, the individual will have to choose one that is. Individuals can also log in to Realm and add or update the number they wish to use.

Send text messages with up to 320 characters. We’ve increased the character limit for all text messages from 150 characters to 320 characters.

Text notifications no longer automatically generate a sign-in link within the text message. However, you can still manually enter a link to the text message if you need.

If you’d like to add a link within your text that points to Realm, you can enter https://onrealm.org.

This is the first part of the updates we’ve made to text messaging with more changes coming in the future.

Registration Events

The event registration form has a new look! We’ve improved event registration when registering yourself or someone else, especially for individuals using a mobile browser. You can now see what step of the registration process you’re on, and can better confirm when you’ve completed your registration.

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