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September 20, 2023

View new features, enhancements, and corrections released on September 20, 2023.


Sort resources uploaded to a group by file name. Previously, you could only view group resources in the order of their upload date. You can now also filter by file name to better find the resource you need.

Registration Events

Enter a longer location name for registration events. When you select somewhere else as the physical location for a registration event, you can now enter up to 50 characters for the location name. Previously, this had a maximum of 30 characters.

Realm Mobile Apps

App login changes. Individuals who have remained logged into the app for a long period of time are experiencing errors due to an old login version. You will be required to log out of the app if you are still using the old login version. If you've forgotten your login password, you can tap the Forgot your password? link to start password recovery.

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