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November 15, 2023

View new features, enhancements, and corrections released on November 15, 2023.

Writing Assistant

Use a writing assistant when creating descriptions in Realm. Entering text in a description text box on certain pages in Realm will activate the writing assistant.

When you click , you can check your content’s spelling and grammar, or have the assistant rephrase what you wrote in a friendly, formal, or inviting tone. You can also enter keywords in the description text box and use this to generate completely new writing using the assistant.

You can use the Realm writing assistant to create descriptions while:

  • Adding or editing a group

  • Adding or editing a group event

  • Adding or editing a registration event

  • Adding or editing volunteer teams

  • Adding or editing volunteer roles

  • Adding or editing skills and interests

  • Sharing a skills or interests post on the Newsfeed

Ministry Hub Navigation

We've changed the location of the following Realm sections in the Ministry Hub:

  • Change Log is now located in the main Realm menu

  • Users & Permissions is now located in the main Realm menu

  • System Emails is now located in the Settings menu

  • Security & Privacy is now located in the Settings menu

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