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March 19, 2025

View new features and enhancements released on March 19, 2025.

Innovative Ideas: Tap Technology for Giving

Use tap technology to make giving easier and more convenient. With tap technology, contributors can effortlessly donate using their phones. Explore our guide on setting up and using tap tags. Consider combining tap tags with our free QR code generator to make the giving experience easy for older phones as well. Here are other ways to apply these technologies throughout your facilities:
  • Register or pay for events with a simple tap.
  • Access campus maps and other vital information directly on a mobile device.


Welcome Giving topics to their new home. We've received your feedback. To improve how you search for and locate answers to your Giving questions, we've brought them together under the Giving section of the Help Center. Links to the Help Center from your product will not change.

And for your contributors? We've received feedback from those using the Connect Mobile app that answers to their giving questions were hard to find. To help congregants and parishioners find what they need more quickly, we've moved those resources into a dedicated section for the Connect Mobile app. Expect to see more content, including videos, for this group in the future.

Registration Events

Update the contact email address when matching a guest to a known profile. When you match a guest registration with a known profile, and the guest entered an email address that does not match the profile's contact email address, or the known profile doesn't have a contact email address, you can now update the known profile with the new contact email address. This will not change the email address the individual uses to sign in to Realm.

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