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Direct Deposit Field Descriptions

Detailed information that could be helpful while you set up direct deposit.

Bank and Company Information

Bank Name
Use your bank's official name for your ACH file. For example, enter "JPMorgan Chase" as the name instead of "Chase - Payroll".
Account Number
Your bank account number is the second set of numbers that displays at the bottom of your checks. This also displays on your bank statement.
Routing #
Your bank routing number is the first set of numbers that displays at the bottom of your checks.
Company Name
Your company name is the name of your organization.
Company ID
Your company ID is a 10-digit company number assigned by your bank. Typically, this is a 9-digit tax ID preceded by the number 1, or your bank may assign a number for ACH file submission.

ACH Processing Information

Immediate Origin Name
Immediate Origin #
  • If your bank batches and processes ACH files, enter your company name and ID as the immediate origin name and number.
  • If another bank or financial institution processes ACH files on behalf of your bank, enter the name and routing number of your church's bank as the immediate origin name and number.
Immediate Destination Name
Immediate Destination #
  • If your bank batches and processes ACH files, enter the name and routing number of your church's bank as the immediate destination name and number.
  • If another bank or financial institution processes ACH files on behalf of your bank, enter the name and routing number of that bank as the immediate destination name and number.

ACH File Settings

Sending Schedule
Send your ACH files to the bank days in advance, adhering to a sending schedule. Using the pay date of the payroll run determines the effective entry date on which each employee can expect to receive their direct deposit.
Balanced Files
A balanced file creates a line for the total amount of money withdrawn from the bank for direct deposit. Contact your bank to know if it requires this.
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