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Edit a Schedule

You may need to edit a schedule you've added.

  1. On the Information tab, click Schedules > Scheduled Weeks.
  2. Locate the schedule you want to edit, and double-click the schedule name.
  3. You can right-click any position in the grid to perform the following tasks:
    1. Manually assign a minister to an unfilled position—Right-click an <Unfill Position> entry, and click Replace Minister. The Quick Lookup Ministers dialog box displays. Select the replacement minister, and click Select This Minister.
    2. Add a new position to the scheduled week—Right-click any column entry, and click Add New Position. The Add New Position To Schedule dialog box displays. In the grid, enter or select the mass, ministry, and minister name. Click Add.
    3. Edit the assignment information for a minister—Right-click the minister name in the grid, and click Minister Detail. The Edit Minister dialog box displays. Make any necessary changes, then click Save.
    4. View a minister's assignment history—Right-click the minister name in the grid, and click Show History. The Minister Assignments History dialog box displays. Scroll to view the assignment information. The data is not editable in this window. When you're finished viewing, click Close.
    5. Remove a minister from a mass assignment—Right-click the minister name in the grid, and click Do Not Include This Minister. A confirmation dialog box displays. Click Yes to remove the minister.
    6. Delete a position from the scheduled week—Right-click the position you don't need or want to remove, and click Delete This Position. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove this position.
  4. To swap two ministers, you can click-and-drag the name of one minister and release it over the name of the second minister.
  5. If you need to add or remove a mass or ministry positions from this schedule, click Modify Scheduled Mass. For steps, see Modify a Scheduled Mass.
  6. At the top, click Save.