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Widgets - Released December 9-10, 2024

Check out how we're closing the gap so you can move from the Portal to widgets, if you haven't already.

star icon indicating a featured enhancement My Mission Trips

  • The My Mission Trips widget received a fresh coat of paint! Mission trip participants can now see even more details about their trips, including a list of donors who contributed. This makes it easier than ever for participants to track their fundraising progress and send thank you notes to their donors.

    Gif showing the My Mission Trips widget; when you expand a trip, you can see the support progress details and donors

  • To show the My Donors section, add the attribute showdonors="1" to the widget's code. So it would look like this: <mpp-my-mission-trips missiontripcampaigntypeid="2" showdonors="1"></mpp-my-mission-trips>. Check out My Mission Trips for all the details.
  • We also fixed an issue where the mission trip widgets were displaying trip dates as "01/01/1901" if an event was not specified on the Pledge Campaign record. Now, trip dates are hidden if no event is specified.

Custom Forms

  • *From the Idea Board*: Show a custom thank you message for each custom form! When someone submits a form, the success message displays the text you've defined in the Complete Message field on that Form's record. If no text is defined on the record, the text of the mpp-custom-form.completeMessage application label is used instead.
  • Fixed an issue where the address fields on Form Response records created through event registration were not being populated correctly.

Event Details & Registration

  • We improved the way event registration works when selecting a family member from the Register As drop-down list. Now, the name fields are not editable so that registrants are less likely to incorrectly change their contact information. This includes the First Name, Last Name, Parent First Name, Parent Last Name, Attendee First Name, and Attendee Last Name. These fields are only editable when the registrant fills out a blank form.

    Example of an Event Registration where an individual is selected from the Register As drop-down list, and the First Name and Last Name are not editable

  • As soon as someone registers, they are immediately added as the Event Participant on associated Form Response records. This was previously done by a nightly routine, but now you don't have to wait!
  • Fixed an issue where contact information from event registration was not being saved correctly in the Notes field on Event Participant records. Now, even when registrants are logged in or make changes to their registration, the notes reflect exactly what was entered on the registration form.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented employees from registering for event with the Staff Only visibility level.
  • Fixed an issue where the event location map was not displaying correctly on mobile devices if you included a link in the Event Description or Event Meeting Instructions field. Now, those fields support hyperlinks, so feel free to include any links people may need in the Event Details widget!

Event Finder

  • *From the Idea Board*: You can now filter the finder by Event Type! Use the eventtypeid parameter to pre-filter your Event Finder through the widget configurator or as a URL filter. Note that Event Type will not display as a drop-down filter in the widget.
  • Fixed an issue where the Global Congregation (identified in the COMMON, GlobalCongregationID configuration setting) needed to be available online for its events to display in the Event Finder. Now, you can leave the Available Online field set to No on the Global Congregation, and its events display in the finder regardless of the selected congregation filters.

Group Finder

  • *From the Idea Board*: You can now filter the finder by Group Type! Use the grouptypeid parameter to pre-filter your Group Finder through the widget configurator or as a URL filter. Note that Group Type will not display as a drop-down filter in the widget.

Make a Pledge Widget

  • Show a custom thank you message for each pledge campaign! When someone creates a pledge, the success message displays the text you've defined in the Online Thank You Message field on that Pledge Campaign's record. If no text is defined on the record, the text of the mpp-pledge-campaign.pledgeFormSuccessMessage application label is used instead.
  • *From the Idea Board*: We updated the way the Make a Pledge Widget determines the default start and end dates:
    • If a pledge campaign's start date is in the future, that is used as the default start date.
    • If a pledge campaign's start date is in the past, the current date is the default start date.
    • If a pledge campaign's end date is not set, the default end date is not set (null).
    • If a pledge campaign's end date is in the future, that is used as the default end date.
    • If a pledge campaign's end date is in the past and the campaign is still accepting pledges, the default end date is not set.

Mission Trip Application Widget

  • *From the Idea Board*: You can define which mission trip displays in the Mission Trip Application widget! It now accepts a URL parameter, so you can add the widget to your website once, and display any mission trip on it as needed. Maybe in the future, there could be a Mission Trip Finder... hint hint!

My Household Widget

  • Fixed an issue where the Display Name on a Contact record was incorrectly updated when updating the First Name, Nickname, or Suffix fields in the My Household widget. Now, the Display Name updates consistently and is formatted as "Last Name, Nickname Suffix". If Nickname is cleared in the widget, the First Name is automatically copied into the Nickname field once changes are saved.

Opportunity Finder & Details

  • We improved the experience when a response is submitted. Now, when someone clicks Submit Response, the response form is replaced with a success message, and they have the option to submit another response if needed. We also added tokens that you can use in the mpp-opportunity-details.thankYouMessage application label. That way, you can merge in the First or Last name from the response form to personalize the success message. (We have future plans to add this behavior to Make a Pledge and Group Details!)

    Gif showing the custom success message after submitting a form

  • Fixed an issue where the Ongoing label in the Opportunity Finder and Opportunity Details widgets was not being sourced from the application label. Now, you can customize this wording using the mpp-opportunity-details.ongoingLabel application label.


  • The Campus filter now shows up to 1,000 congregations/parishes in the Event Finder, Opportunity Finder, and Online Directory widgets! Remember, the congregation/parish must have Available Online set to Yes in order to display.

HTML Text Formatting

  • You can now add basic text formatting in Description fields that display in widgets! This includes bold, italics, underline, unordered lists, ordered lists, and hyperlinks.
    Note: We've implemented safeguards to ensure your content is secure, so we prevent unsupported HTML tags from displaying. While other formatting options may work, we do not guarantee or recommend using them.
  • While these are only available in widgets right now, this is just the first step! Be on the lookout for future enhancements to make it easier to add formatting to certain fields in the Platform.