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Widgets - Released May 30-31, 2023

Many of our Portal features have been replaced (and improved) by Widgets, and this release keeps that train moving! Check out the details below, along with a few other enhancements and fixes. There's more to come, so be sure to check back as we get closer to the release.

You Asked for It, We Did It!

We know you're full of great ideas! So check out the Idea Board and add a new idea or vote for the ones you love.

  • Fixed an issue where the Invoice Date was being changed when the invoice was paid.

About Me Widget (Attributes)

  • Previously, congregants could select attributes that described themselves on the My Profile page of the Portal. Now, there's a widget for that! The About Me widget allows authenticated users to indicate their skills and talents from a predefined list, which is helpful when trying to find the right people for volunteer opportunities. For more details and setup info, see About Me.

Opportunity Finder

  • Many churches use the Find Opportunity By Survey portal page to help congregants find opportunities that match their skills and interests. Now, the Opportunity Finder can be filtered by attributes! Congregants can select one or more attributes, and opportunities that have any of those attributes will display in the finder.

    Select one or more attributes...

    ...and get matching results!

    Note: The Widget Configurator (found on Configuring Opportunity Finder) now includes an option for "Show Attribute Filter". When set to true or null, the filter drop-down list displays in the finder. There's also a setting for Attribute IDs, which limits the options congregants can choose from in the filter.

Group Finder

  • Authenticated users can now suggest a group in the Group Finder widget, if you allow them to. When they click the Suggest a Group button, the user submits a form with the suggested group name, description, and campus, along with optional group focus, life stage, meeting day, and meeting time information. Once submitted, a new group is created for approval, and someone at your church is notified through the Group Suggested process.

  • For more details, see Group Finder.
    Note: The Widget Configurator (found on Configuring Group Finder) now includes an option for Show Suggest A Group Button. When set to Yes, the button displays in the finder.

Custom Forms

  • The Custom Form widget now supports any standalone form, which means you don't have to add each form as a separate page on your website! Just make sure there is one specified page on your website, with the widget embedded using this code snippet:
  • Once you have your "Widget Page" ready, you can send a link for users to access any form you choose. To create the link, grab the Form GUID from the Form record and tack it onto the end of your URL. It should be formatted as https://{your church website}/{widget page}/?id=[Form-GUID]; for example, https://example-church.com/forms/?id=a74c70ad-7322-4963-9736-2e898b77324b. When users click the link, they're directed to that specified "Widget Page" on your website, and the specified form displays for them to complete.
    Note: The Widget Configurator (found on Configuring Custom Form) no longer requires the Form GUID field. If you include the Form GUID, it displays that form, and if you don't include it, you can display any form using the URL. To apply custom CSS to standalone forms, make sure you generate the code using the Widget Configurator.

Event Details & Registration

  • Based on your feedback, we improved what happens when event registrations are abandoned.
    • When the Abandoned Invoice Clean Up Process runs:
      • Event Participant records are marked with the new Participation Status of 20 Abandoned instead of being deleted.
      • Invoice Status is set to 07 Cancelled, and the Cancel Reason is set to Invoice Abandoned by Registrant.
      • Group Participant records receive an end date instead of being deleted.
      • Invoice Detail records, files, Form Response records, and Form Answer records are all retained instead of being deleted.
    • If payment is received later:
      • Participation Status is updated to 02 Registered.
      • Invoice records are updated instead of being deleted. Invoice Status is updated to "Some Paid" or "Paid in Full".
      • The Group Participant record is not affected. You would need to remove the end date from the record.
  • Last release, we added an option for registrants to update the selected record with the information they submit on a form. Now, that check box is cleared by default. If the registrant wants to update their contact or address info, they must select the check box.
  • We were informed that some registrants, after realizing they registered the wrong family member, would go back and edit the member's name instead of deleting the wrong person and adding the correct one. This is not the intended use of the Make Changes and Edit buttons, and we wanted to help avoid this issue. So, when changing an existing registration, the First Name and Last Name fields are no longer editable. We also made the Edit button more noticeable and added an easier way to remove a participant from the registration.
  • Fixed an issue where a warning message about registration displayed for events that did not have an associated Online Registration Product.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect time zone was used for event start and end times after downloading the ICS file to show on an external calendar on mobile devices.

Mission Trip Widget

  • Fixed an issue where the Mission Trip widget displayed the registration date from the Mission Trip record instead of the trip dates from the event associated with the trip. If a mission trip is not associated with an event, the trip dates will be hidden.