Filtering Group Finder
Optional attribute and URL filters can be to used to create different versions of the widget for different purposes, further customizing your church's experience.
- Attribute filtering is set using widget attributes before adding the widget to your webpage.
- URL filtering is appended to the URL when someone views the webpage.
Attribute Filters
Optional attributes can be used to create different versions of the widget for different purposes. These attributes are related to the Group and are different (in form and function) from Contact Attributes. For example, pages can be created for Congregations or Ministries and filtered for those pages.
- Congregation: Filters the results by a Congregations using IDs.
- Attribute: congregationid
- Valid Value: Congregation Id
- Example:
- Key Word: Filters the result using key words. A Key Word search looks for a match in the Group Name, Group Description, Program Name, and/or Ministry Name, so choose keyword attributes strategically.
- Attribute: keyword
- Valid Value: This should be URL encoded.
- Standard A-Z and 0-9 characters are all valid.
- Spaces should be replaced with a plus (+).
- Other characters must be encoded.
- Example:
keyword="summer bbq"
- Ministry Filters by a Ministry ID. Default is empty.
- Attribute: ministryid
- Valid Value: Ministry ID or empty.
- Example:
- Meets Online: Filters by Meets Online field.
- Parameter: meetsonline
- Valid Value: True or False
- Example:
- Neighborhood (Parent Group): Filters by the Parent Group. Default is empty.
- Parameter: parentgroupid
- Valid Value: Group Id or empty for unspecified.
Note: The Parent Group must have Available Online set to Yes for this filter to work.
- Example:
- Group Focus: Filters by Group Focus. Default is empty.
- Parameter: groupfocusid
- Valid Value: Group Focus Id or empty for unspecified.
- Example:
- Life Stage: Filters by Life Stage. Default is empty.
- Parameter: lifestageid
- Valid Value: Life Stage Id or empty for unspecified.
- Example:
- Meeting Days: Filters by one or more Meeting Day. Default is empty.
- Parameter: meetingdays
- Valid Value: 1 to 7 (1 = Sunday)
- Example:
- Meeting Time: Filters by Meeting Time. Default is empty.
- Parameter: meetingtimes
- Valid Value:
- Morning
- Lunchtime
- Afternoon
- Evening
- Empty for unspecified (the default)
- Example:
<mpp-group-finder target="/group-details" congregationid="1"></mpp-group-finder>
Attributes must be included before the opening widget tag is closed. Attributes may be listed in any order and should be separated by a space or other whitespace. An attribute's value should be wrapped in quotation marks.