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Event Finder

The Event Finder widget shows events that are available online, sorted by date (soonest to latest). All available online events show for 120 days, and featured events display if they occur in the next 360 days. See the Event Finder widget in action on Widget Church's Events page!

  • Featured events display a Featured badge.
  • The Event Finder can be pre-filtered by search criteria when it is embedded in a page. See Enabling Widgets. Events can be filtered by:
    • Campus/Congregation/Parish
    • Key Word(s)
    • Month(s)
    • Ministry
    • Sign-Up Type
    • Featured
    • Program
  • Key Word search looks for a match in the Event Title Name, Event Description, Program Name, and/or Ministry Name.
  • The URL may also be used to pre-filter by specific search criteria. For example, you only want to show events occurring in December.
  • You can limit the number of occurrences people see for an event series. For example, you only want to show the next three weekly Bible Study meetings for the rest of the year.
  • Events with Visibility set to 4- Public can be seen by anyone, but those with 2- Staff Only visibility only display for authenticated users who have at least one current Group Participant record (belonging to any Group of any Group Type) with Employee Role set to Yes.
  • If an image is attached to the Event record, it displays in the widget. If there is no image, a stock image shows instead. See Configuring Event Finder for additional information about images.


  • Event Title: The name of the event.
  • Event Date(s): The event's Start Date.
  • Location: The event's location. If no location is provided, the location associated with the event's Congregation.
  • Event Description: The description of the event.



First time using the Event Finder widget? See Configuring Events to get started!