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Reports, Routines, and Notifications - Released November 4-5, 2024

We have a few big enhancements in this release, including QCDs on statements, a new Selected Campaign Fulfillment report, some new report parameters, and removing global filters for our Catholic instances, as well as several improvements.

star icon indicating a featured enhancement Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCDs)

  • You can now display QCDs as nondeductible gifts on statements like the Donor Standard Statement!
  • A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a distribution made from an individual retirement arrangement (IRA) to the church. To qualify, the donor must:
    • Be at least 70 1/2 years of age.
    • Have the same type of acknowledgment of their contribution that they need to claim a deduction for a charitable contribution.
  • If you meet all the requirements, a QCD is nontaxable and you can't claim a charitable contribution deduction for a QCD.
  • Like any other donation, QCDs can have distributions, reduce pledges, be included in batches, and more.
  • This will help donors attest that they gave QCDs from their IRA and ensure they are not taxed on the IRA distributions. Help your members help you!


  • *NEW* Introducing the Selected Campaign Fulfillment Report! This report provides you a more complete picture of the amounts you can expect to receive in total over the life of a pledge campaign and compare those amounts to amounts you've received to date. Now you can better understand your projected income from a recurring gift and report on that alongside projected income from your pledges so you can see where churches stand with their campaign goals.
  • *ENHANCEMENT* We added a new report parameter for write offs to several reports! Now you can include write offs within your report totals. Need to adjust the amount someone owes for a pledge and see the adjusted amounts in your reports? Use the new write offs parameter so you can see the new amount someone owes for their pledge and what happened to the original amount. We've added the write offs parameter to the following reports:
  • *ENHANCEMENT* Our Catholic customers will see a new Parish Credited filter for the Campaign Pledge List Report. When you select the appropriate parish from the Parish Credited filter, you can see a list of pledges for the parish the pledge and donation are credited to. And don't worry, you can also see pledges without a credited parish - just select the Parish Credited Unknown option. Need to see both? Simply select Include All from the drop-down list.
  • *ENHANCEMENT* In Catholic instances, we added a way to create a report that displays the details of who pledged to a campaign for a specific parish using the Campaign Pledge List Report! Under the report name, simply add the name of the parish associated with the program(s) for the pledge campaign. You can run the report for more than one parish at a time. This will help you understand which campaigns your members are donating to - and which campaigns they feel strongly about!
  • Fixed an issue where Donor Standard Statements included donations that hadn't been batched or finalized. Now MinistryPlatform will remove the Statement ID from any donations currently assigned to an unarchived statement, if they've been added to a batch that hasn't been finalized. But don't worry - the donation will be reassigned to a statement through the stored procedure once you finalize the batch it's in.
  • Fixed an issue where the SMS Usage Report allowed for more than a two-digit decimal for the money datatype. It wouldn't really make sense to charge someone for .006 cents per message, right?
  • Fixed an issue where the Selected Donation Letter Soft Credit Report returned blank pages when you selected Soft Credit Donor from the Group by parameter.
  • Fixed an issue where the Selected Labels - 1 per Family Report labels weren't aligned properly when you would export to Microsoft Word. No more wasted labels!
  • Fixed an issue where the Selected Campaign Donor Summary Export Report the Address Line 2 field didn't include any data. Now the data should display when you run this report, which is helpful for things like mail merges.
  • Fixed an issue where the Campaign Dashboard Report took a long time to load or timed out when you selected all or many campaigns for the report.


Catholic Sacrament Reports

Note: These enhancements are available in Catholic instances only. But, we know that other denominations track sacraments and may need exports and certificates. If that's you, please let us know how we can serve your needs by entering your feedback on the Idea Board.
  • *ENHANCEMENT* We're removing global filters from the Selected Sacrament Certificate Report! Now you can run the report for your parishioners, no matter where they complete their sacraments.
  • Fixed an issue where baptism, confirmation, and marriage reports for the Selected Sacrament Export Report didn't include household address fields on the report. Now you'll have all the information you need right where you need it!
  • Fixed an issue where the Selected Sacrament Export Report displayed the date a person received a sacrament in YYYY/MM/DD format. It will now display in the American standard MM/DD/YYYY format.
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