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Reports, Routines, and Notifications - Released August 14-15, 2023

We improved several reports and notifications to work better for you. And, the next phase of Sacraments is here for our Catholic customers! Check out the details below on sacrament reports.


  • We updated the Selected Background Checks report to display the status in the All Clear column for those that do not have a value for All Clear yet. The new statuses show as follows:
    • "<Status> as of <Date>" if Background Check Status is not null; for example, "In Progress as of 07/19/2023"
    • "Pending-Volunteer/Contact" if Background Check Submitted is null
    • "Pending-Background Check Company" if Background Check Status is null and Background Check Submitted is not null

    An example Background Checks report with the All Clear column included.

  • Now, you can select a From Date and To Date to see a range of events in the Mission Trip Donations, Mission Trip Donors, and Mission Trip Summary reports. This helps narrow down the options you see in the Event drop-down list so you can easily find and select the one you want!

    An example of selecting From Date and To Date information in report parameters.

  • Fixed an issue where the Financial Summary and Financial Summary Selected reports were including donations that were made at midnight, which should have been counted for the following day instead. Now, amounts reflect only the donations made during the dates selected.
  • Fixed an issue where User Permission reports were using the deprecated User Display Name field. Now, those reports reference the Contact Display Name instead.
  • For event registration, we recently added new participant statuses for "Abandoned" and "Awaiting Payment". Since those statuses indicate that a registration was not successful, the Selected Event Registrations report no longer shows participants who have abandoned their registration or have not paid yet.
  • Likewise, when you run the Selected Form Responses report from a Form Response record or from a selection of Event or Event Participant records, it no longer includes form responses from a record that has a status of "Abandoned" or "Awaiting Payment".
  • The Selected Event Registrants Summary also excludes statuses of "Abandoned" and "Awaiting Payment", making product totals more accurate.


  • Background Check Summary Notifications now take Background Check Status into account. The email no longer includes background checks that have an "Error" or have been "Canceled". When a background check is pending, the email now shows either "In Progress" or "Submitted" so you have a little more context.
  • Tasks can now be assigned to a User Group instead of one specific user. All users who are part of the group receive a notification and can review/complete it. These tasks are included on the User Tasks Notification and can be marked Complete from the email. User Group tasks display with an asterisk to differentiate them from other tasks.

    An example Task with a User Group Task listed with an asterisk.

  • If someone responds to a task assigned to a User Group, it is removed from their User Tasks Notification. However, other group members who have not responded will continue to see the task in their notifications until they respond to it or the task has been completed based on the Task Completion Rule.

Catholic Sacrament Reports

Note: These enhancements are available in Catholic instances only. But, we know that other denominations track sacraments and may need exports and certificates. If that's you, please let us know how we can serve your needs by entering your feedback on the Idea Board.
  • In the June Platform release, we introduced sacrament tracking. Now, you can create certificates using that tracked data! Remember, we are still working on tools to round out this feature, so be on the lookout for more enhancements coming soon.
  • Create your certificates, your way! You can either:
    • Export and merge - Use the Selected Sacrament Export to export your data from MinistryPlatform and merge it into an external template (in Microsoft Word, for example), then print certificates on plain or certificate paper.
    • Print text only - Use the Selected Sacrament Certificates to print the certificate text directly onto certificate paper.
  • The export and certificates are available on the following pages: All Sacraments, Baptisms, Confirmations, Communions, and Marriages. You can also print RCIA certificates from a selection of baptisms.
  • Choose to print notations on the back of the baptism certificate or to include notations in exports. If there are none, nothing prints on the line.
  • There's still more to come! In future releases, we'll have a way to print "No notation" for empty notations, include a parish logo on certificates, and create notification letters. Keep an eye out for those enhancements!
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