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User Task Notification

CAUTION: We strongly discourage turning off this notification. The Task Notification email is an essential part of using MinistryPlatform. It is a critical step to ensure that tasks are seen, addressed, and completed in a timely manner to keep your ministry moving!

This notification sends emails to users with outstanding tasks.

  • Frequency: Daily.
  • Recipients: Any secured user with outstanding tasks.
  • From/Reply To: The From and Reply To contacts on the Template record.
  • Contents: A list of the user's open tasks (current and past) with a link to the task or record associated with the task.
    Note: Tasks without dates are not included, as they are not considered outstanding.
  • How to Stop: Set the SERVICES, TaskNotificationTemplateID configuration setting to 0 (zero) to turn off Task Notifications.
  • Method for Sending: MinistryPlatform.
  • Logging in Messages: MinistryPlatform logs messages using the Audit Log and All Recipients.
  • Configuration Settings: The SERVICES, TaskNotificationTemplateID configuration setting specifies which template to use for notifications.
  • Subject Line: This is derived from a stored procedure, and anything in a template overwrites to: "[Count Total of User_Tasks] Task(s) Outstanding for [Display_Name]".
  • Merge Fields Supported: [Nickname], [Task List], [BaseURL].
    Note: Merge fields are only available in the body of the email.
  • Initial Configuration: None.
  • Optional Configuration: Modify the message as needed.

Correct Old User Tasks

Ensure your users complete the appropriate tasks.

Any person with a user role and an incomplete task receives these emails. If you have just given volunteers a role, they may receive old tasks sent to them through this process. You can correct this.
  1. Go to the User Tasks page.
  2. Select the outstanding tasks for the appropriate users.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Complete.
  4. Select the Complete option.
  5. Click Complete.