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Reports, Routines, and Notifications - Released October 23-24, 2023

We have new reports related to donation/pledge sources, campaigns and goals, as well as sacrament letters! Read on for details. With this release, we also updated field help for various fields in the Platform.


  • In the June Platform release, we added a "Donation Source" field to track what prompted someone to give a donation or pledge. Now, with the following new reports, you can understand which of your solicitation methods are most effective based on donation sources over a certain period of time. These reports are available to administrators on the Donations or Pledges page.
    • *NEW* The Donations Source Analysis lists each donation source along with the number of donations and donors who gave towards it, the donation total for each source, the percent of the grand total amount that each source represents, and the average gift amount for each source. You can filter by congregation/parish, program, and donation date range.
    • *NEW* The Pledge Source Analysis lists each pledge source along with the number of pledges for it, the pledge total for each source, and the percent of the grand total amount that each source represents. You can filter by campaign type and one or more campaigns.
    • *NEW* This one is available for Catholic dioceses: If you're using the Parish Credited ID to track pledges, the Parish Level Pledge Source Analysis helps you understand how each appeal source is affecting the pledges at each parish. It lists each parish credited, which you can then expand to see each pledge source along with the number of pledges, the pledge total, and the percent of the grand total amount that each source represents. You can filter by campaign type and one or more campaigns.
  • *NEW* The Selected Campaign Comparison shows information about each campaign along with the associated Congregation/Parish. This could be useful to a diocese that wants to compare annual pledge campaigns per parish! On the Pledge Campaigns page, make a selection, then click Reports > Selected Campaign Comparison.

    An example Selected Campaign Comparison report.

  • *NEW* Need to see the progress each congregation/parish is making on a campaign? If you track Campaign Goals (added to the Platform in August 2023), then the Selected Goals Status Summary report can show you! From the Campaign Goals page, select the goal(s) to review, and click Reports > Selected Goals Status Summary. This report only includes active pledges that are credited to a congregation/parish. You can include donations that are dated on or before a certain date.

    An example Selected Goals Status Summary report.

  • *NEW* This one's for our Catholic instances. Once someone receives the sacrament of first communion, confirmation, or marriage, the parish of baptism needs to be notified. Now, there's a letter for that! From All Sacraments or one of the three relevant sacrament pages, open a record or select records and click Reports > Selected Sacrament Notification Letter. Use our generic letter (which can be edited) or create your own letters to select from. You can even include an acknowledgment at the bottom for the parish of baptism to return to your parish.

    An example Selected Sacrament Notification Letter report.

  • The Selected Sacrament Certificates report can now use the logo image from the Parish/Sacrament Place record. Just set Show Logo to Yes, and the logo displays centered at the top of the certificates.
    Tip: For the best fit, we recommend images be 420 pixels wide x 72 pixels high. If this doesn't work for you, you can always use the Selected Sacrament Export and merge the data into a certificate template of your choice.
  • Fixed an issue where the Donor Standard Statement was taking time of day into account and including pledges one day outside of the statement cutoff date. Now, only pledges made up until 11:59 PM on the cutoff date are included.
  • Fixed an issue where the Financial Summary Letter was not displaying a salutation if either the Contact Suffix, Spouse Suffix, or Spouse Last Name was not entered on the relevant records.


  • Fixed an issue where the Engagement routine was not considering Household Positions for giving engagement. Now, the routine only considers donations made by the heads of households. This way, engagement levels for minors and other household members are not affected by gifts given by the head of their household.

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