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Configure Apple TV and Roku Apps

This guide outlines the steps to configure Apple TV and Roku Apps, including reviewing content, beta testing, and app launch.

The top row features larger tiles used to display your livestream tiles. Livestream tiles can be scheduled to display when you are broadcasting live or to be always available. Below the livestreams row, the new apps display a horizontally scrolling row for each Category. Sermon Series can display in one or more Categories.

Screenshot of the Roku app interfaceScreenshot of the Roku app interfaceScreenshot of the Roku app's main interface

  1. Reach out to Support and let them know you want to use the apps.
  2. Review the beta versions of your apps.
  3. Review your Sermon content in the Platform and confirm it looks the way you want.
    1. Make sure you have the Sermon Series Categories structure set up so your content displays in the apps.
    2. If you use MP4 links, you might have some issues on Roku. We recommend using M3U8 links, which work best on all platforms.
  4. When your ready to launch your apps, let us know.
    Note: Apple review typically takes at least 48 hours, but usually no more than a week. Roku review is often two to three weeks.
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