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Add a Livestream to Apple TV or Roku

Each livestream should have a record in the Platform.
  1. Go to PocketPlatform > Livestreams.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Provide the information.
    • Stream Title: Displays under the tile on the AppleTV or Roku app.
    • Description: Describes the livestream content.
    • Start Date: Date and time the livestream should display in the apps.
    • End Date: Date and time the livestream should stop displaying in the apps.
    • Stream URL: Media URL (typically a M3U8 link) to be played when the tile is clicked.
    • Sermon: The sermon associated with this livestream.
    • Sort Order: When more than one livestream tile is active, this determines the order in which they display.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Attach an image to the new Livestream record. This image displays in the apps, so choose wisely!
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