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Reports and Routines Configuration Settings

Edit the following configuration settings in the Platform to control various aspects of reports and routines.

SERVICES Configuration Settings

SERVICES, SetDefaultCongregationID
The ID of the Congregation to assign as the default congregation to Households if created without a Congregation.
SERVICES, AddHouseholdDonationDates
When set to Yes, allows the routine to populate Households._Last_Donation and Households._First_Donation.
SERVICES, AssignPledgesNightly
If set to Yes, Donation Distributions assigned to programs participating in pledge campaigns are assigned to active pledges by the campaign's donor or the donor's spouse.
SERVICES, AttendanceNotificationTemplateID
The ID number of the Message record in the dp_Communications table that serves as a template to send out a nightly notification when you need group attendance for a group where send_attend. Set this to 0 (zero) to turn off Attendance Notifications.
SERVICES, AttendanceNotificationEventVisibility
The visibility level you want set for the Events created by the Group Attendance Notification.
SERVICES, AttendanceNotificationPath
The application URL you want to include in the Group Attendance Notification to direct leaders to the appropriate application to record attendance. For example, you might choose Group Life.
SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNotificationTemplateID
Used by the Background Check Status Notification (Deployed with 0, to turn on add Message ID). Set to 0 (zero) to turn off Background Check Notifications.
SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNotificationWeekdayNumber
Used by the Background Check Status Notification (0 = every day, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday, 7 = Saturday)
SERVICES, BirthdayNotificationTemplateID
The ID number of the Message record in the dp_Communications table that is a template to send out a happy birthday notification. Set this to 0 (zero) to turn off Birthday Notifications.
SERVICES, CareCaseNotificationTemplateID
The ID number of the Message record in the dp_Communications table that is a template to send out a Care Case Notification. Set this to 0 (zero) to turn off Care Case Notifications.
SERVICES, CopySharedAddresses
If set to Yes, the Data Quality Routine makes a copy of any address record shared by two households and assigns the new copy to one of those households. Set to no to disable.
SERVICES, DaysTillTemporaryPasswordExpires
Individuals that use the forgot password feature are placed in recovery and sent a temporary password. The nightly data quality routine erases that temporary password and set in recovery.
SERVICES, DBMailProfileName
The default profile used to send email with the DBMail service of SQL Server.
SERVICES, EventReminderNotificationTemplateID
The ID number of the Message record in the dp_Communications table that is a template to send out nightly event reminders when events.days_out_to_remind is populated. Set to 0 (zero) to turn off Event Reminders. Used by the Event Reminder Notification.
SERVICES, MessageRecapNotificationTemplateID
The ID number of the Message record in the dp_Communications table that is a template to send out the message recap report to the author of messages to large lists of people. Used by the Message Recap Notification.
SERVICES, MessageRecapMinimumRecipients
Allows customization of the minimum number of recipients needed to send the notification. The default value is set to 100. This can be changed to 50, 150, etc. Used by the Message Recap Notification.
SERVICES, OpportunityReminderNotificationTemplateID
The ID number of the Message record in the dp_Communications table that is a template to send out nightly Opportunity reminders when opportunity.days_out_to_remind is populated. Set to 0 (zero) to turn off Opportunity Reminders. Used by the Opportunity Reminder Notification.
SERVICES, ReportDBVersion
The current version of the Report and Database loaded on your system.
SERVICES, ServiceNotificationTemplateID
The ID number of the Message record in the dp_Communications table that is a template to send out nightly notification to the volunteers scheduled to serve. Set this to 0 (zero) to turn off Service Notifications.
SERVICES, TaskNotificationTemplateID
The ID number of the Message record in the dp_Communications table that is a template to send out nightly notification of outstanding tasks to secured users. Set this to 0 (zero) to turn off Task Notifications.
SERVICES, WeeklyPromotionsByUpdate
Yes or no values only. When set to Yes, the weekly promotion only changes the child's listed group, rather than end-dating and creating a new Group Participant Record in the Promote To Group. This also affects the Selected Group Attendance report on the Groups page.

SSRS Configuration Settings

SSRS, AssignIncrementPledgeDays
This value is used by the Data Quality routine, in the service_data_quality_assign_pledge stored procedure. This integer represents the window within which the routine looks for donation distributions that may need to be applied to existing pledges or may trigger new pledges to be created, where this is configured to occur. By default, this window is defined as 90 days prior to today's date. You can change this date range if needed, but note that increasing the number of days may affect performance.
The full or absolute URL to the MinistryPlatform application on the web server. This is used in Task Notifications to support the [BaseURL] token, among other things.
SSRS, CurrentCampaignFilters
Yes or no values only. If set to Yes, this only lists Events associated with current Mission Trips in the Events drop-down list on several Mission Trip-related reports.
SSRS, CurrentProgramFilters
Yes or no values only. Set to Yes to ensure report filters (parameters) only list current programs.
SSRS, DefaultAccountingProject
An integer value used during export to the accounting system when you credit a donation to an event but events.project_code is empty.
SSRS, GivingLevel
You can have multiple entries for this Configuration. Each value creates a level. You should have at least two levels, but more are acceptable. Change the values to suit your church. Giving Levels answers questions like "How many donors gave at this level between these two dates?". For details, see Giving Bands or Levels.
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