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Platform Email Templates

Provider Invite Email Template

This is the email template the Provider user receives once the church approves them. This email contains a link to the Connect Board and the My Assignments page.

Provider Follow-up Email Template

This is the email template a Provider receives once an assignment becomes incomplete (See Needs Campaign Setup). This email contains two options for the Provider to choose: Complete, which thanks the Provider through a confirmation landing page, or Decline, which unassigns the user and puts the Need back on the Connect Board. Both Complete and Decline give the Provider the option to go back to the Connect Board for further Needs assignments.

  • Required Links: Link to the Connect Board and My Assignments pages and direct links to Complete or Decline an assignment.
  • Link Configuration: You must configure Complete and Decline links using the Need Connect base URL followed by the Complete or Decline string. These links rely on the Platform token [Need_Guid] which you must list in the Default Field List of the Needs Page.
    • Complete: /NeedConnect/Assignments?complete=[Need_Guid]
    • Decline: /NeedConnect/Assignments?decline=[Need_Guid]
  • Available Merge Fields: Contact Fields, Data Merge Fields (Needs page)
  • Item Notification: Varies based on your organization's setup. Recommended: Daily, to Results Using Template for Follow Up Today view.


The Need Connect Provider Invitation Process is provided at install and you can edit if needed.

  • Active: True at install.
  • When it's triggered: After a MinistryPlatform User (Church Staff) approves the Provider to help.

See Default Processes and Provider Approval.