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Provider Approval

Use the Need Connect application to identify users with needs and users who can help provide assistance. Approved Providers can manage their assigned Needs and claim new Needs from the Connect Board. See the Quick Start for how they work together.


Providers must be approved by Need Type. Providers can access the Connect Board when they meet the following criteria:

  • An approved Need Type Provider of a Need Type whose associated Need Campaign record has Is_Default is set to Yes.

Provider Fields

  • Contact_ID: The Contact associated with this Provider.

Need Type Provider Fields

  • Need_Type_ID: Identifies which Need Type a Provider has expressed they can help with.
  • Other_Need: Provides additional information if "Other" was selected in the Connect Form.
  • Provider_ID: The Provider who has expressed they can help with this Need.
  • Approved: Indicates whether this Provider has been approved to help with this Need Type. Approved Providers will see Needs of this Need Type on the Connect Board.

New Need Type Provider Notification (Optional)

Once Need Connect creates a Provider and Need Type Provider record, we recommend you notify your staff using an Item Notification to expedite the approval process. See Need Connect Item Notifications for more information. Alternatively, if only one staff member does all the approving, you can create a process to assign a task to that specific person.