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Email Template Configuration Settings

You can edit the following Configuration Settings in the Platform and control various aspects of the Need Connect application email template values:

  • CLOUDAPPS, ProviderConfirmationEmailTemplateId: The ID value of the Message Template that you should send to the Provider after they indicated they can help.
  • CLOUDAPPS, RequesterConfirmationEmailTemplateId: The ID value of the Message Template that you should send to the Requester after they indicated they need help.
  • CLOUDAPPS, ProviderAssignmentEmailTemplateId: The ID value of the Message Template that you should send to the Provider after they're assigned a Requester, including a link to assignment board.
  • CLOUDAPPS, NeedAssignedEmailTemplateId: The ID value of the Message Template that you should send to the Need Requester after you assigned their Need to a Provider, including link to cancel.