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MinistryPlatform Video Library

Learn how to do certain tasks in MinistryPlatform.

We're working on growing our collection of short, task-focused videos. Right now, we have two broad categories:
  • Get Started - Covers steps you'll want to take before using certain features.
  • Get Going - Provides steps on how to use a certain feature.

As we add more videos, we'll expand these categories and add new ones that pique your interest!

Get Started

Set Default User Preferences

Learn how to set global default preferences for all users to start from.

1 min 13 sec

Set Up Alternate Emails for Personnel

Learn how to add different types of work emails for your staff's different roles.

1 min 30 sec

Set Up an Annual Appeal Campaign

Learn how to set up an annual fundraising campaign for mulitple parishes or campuses when you're using a centralized model.

1 min 33 sec

Set Up Domain Authentication

Learn how to authenticate your email domains in SendGrid for improved deliverability from MinistryPlatform.

6 min 19 sec

Get Going

Adjust a Pledge

Learn how to update a pledge when a donor is unable to fulfill their commitment.

1 min 35 sec

Donations and Pledges Import Tool

Learn how to import donations and pledges into the Platform.

3 min 55 sec

AI in the Template Editor Tool

Learn how to use the AI components to take your templates to the next level.

1 min 48 sec

Want More Videos?

Our team is always considering new video topics that will be helpful to you, and we create videos as we have time. Let us know what you'd like to see next! Use the form at the bottom of this page to tell us which topics and tasks we should cover.

When new videos are available, we'll announce it via the relevant release notes. You can also bookmark this Help Center page and check back for more later!

Note: Looking for in-depth training videos? Check out the MinistrySmart Academy for webinars, boot camps, and more!