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Search Results Appearance

Expected Participants and Guests display in search results based on the Search Results option selected on the Event Record. Results can display in several ways, including:

  • ​Allow Guests (Show Everyone).
  • Allow Expected Only (Show Everyone).
  • Allow Expected Only (Show Expected Only).

Allow Guests (Show Everyone)

In both attended and unattended mode, this option displays all members of a household and allows you to check them all in for an event regardless of whether they are expected or a guest.

Image displaying search results in the Allow Guests (Show Everyone) view. All three guests are shown.

Allow Expected Only (Show Everyone)

In both attended and unattended mode, this option displays all members of a household but allows only those expected to check in for the event.

Image displaying the Allow Expected Only (Show Everyone) view. Only the one expected guest is shown, with other guests still shown but grayed out.

Allow Expected Only (Show Expected)

In unattended mode, this option displays only those expected and allows them to check in for the event. In attended mode, this option looks and functions like the Allow Expected Only (Show Everyone) option.

Image displaying the Allow Expected Only (Show Expected) view. Only the one expected guest is shown. No other guests are shown.

Unattended Mode

Search results list by family. If multiple families meet the search criteria, a Next Family button displays. Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate between families.

Participants qualified to check in (in other words, they have an Event Participant or Group Participant record related to the Event) can check in. Other Participants that display in the search results who are not registered or expected may appear grayed out in their Household depending on the Search Results field of the Event. If grayed out, the "See Attendant To Check In" message displays. Also, unexpected Participants may be hidden altogether, depending on the Search Results field.

To limit results, search by phone number or ID. The Check-In Kiosk returns results much faster with these search options because it limits possible matches.

Image displaying Unattended Mode, with search results for the Reveles family. Each member has a check box next to their name.

To check in, select the rows for each family member that you want to check in, and then click either Print to print name tags, or Check In if you selected "Do Not Print" during configuration.

A person can check into multiple Events at the same time (for example, the 8:00 AM Worship Service and the 9:45 AM Leader's Meeting). Select the events to check in to. However, a person cannot check into multiple Rooms & Groups for the same Event (for example, the 9:00 AM Children's Service - Pre-K Grapes Room and the 9:00 AM Children's Service - First Grade Plums Room).

If a person registers for an Event associated with the Event through Rooms & Groups, the information may condense into one row if the Event Participant has a matching Group Participant. In this case, the search result displays Group Name - Group Role - Room (Registered).

Note: We do not recommend to explicitly add Group Participant values to Event Participant records but you may automatically populate these (for example, during Registration).

If a checked-in individual's Contact Status is Inactive, checking them in does not change their Contact Status to Active. Their Contact Status remains unchanged. Use a Fix View to review and update Contact Status.

Participants can no longer check in to Events when the Late Check-In period comes to an end and does not take the End Date or End Time into consideration.

Temporary Attended Mode

To temporarily switch to attended mode for one search, enter an asterisk (*) in the Search bar to bring up the Password Prompt. Then, enter the attendant password and click Submit. After you make the search and any edits, the station reverts back to unattended mode functionality.

This is helpful for "floating" volunteers to add or edit a Participant without staying at one attended station. This also allows Users to get to the Home and Kiosk Settings in case they need to change something.

Image displaying the Temporary Attended Mode, where the attendant has entered their password.

Attended Mode

Search in this mode to return all members of a household regardless of whether you expect them or they are a guest. Once you've searched, search results list by family. If multiple families meet the search criteria, a Next Family button displays. Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate between families. To limit results, search by phone number or ID. Check-In returns results much faster with these search options because this limits possible matches.

To use Attended Mode, the individual must have the Check In Attended Mode or Check In Administrator Security role. If the individual does not have one of these Security Roles, the station won't enter Attended Mode even if you disable Force Unattended Mode.

If you don't see the family or individual you're looking for, use the Add Family or Edit Family buttons available at the bottom of the screen.

To check in, select the rows for each family member that you want to check in, and then click either Print to print name tags, or Check In if you selected "Do Not Print" during configuration.

A person can check into multiple Events at the same time (for example, the 8:00 AM Worship Service and the 9:45 AM Leader's Meeting). Select the events to check into. However, a person cannot check into multiple Rooms & Groups for the same Event (for example, the 9:00 AM Children's Service - Pre-K Grapes Room and the 9:00 AM Children's Service - First Grade Plums Room).

Attended Mode permits check in for the duration of the Event and does not consider the Late Check-In Period. Participants can't check in to Events once the Event End Date or End Time passes.

If the individual that checks in has a Contact Status of "Inactive", checking-in changes their Contact Status to Active. However, if they checked-in as a guest, their Contact Status remains unchanged.

To re-print labels, search for the Event Participant and check them in again. A new set of labels prints. You should discard the original labels.

Important: Attended Mode is an "open door" to your database. Never leave an attended station un-monitored. Stations should always be manned by trained staff or volunteers.

Search Results and Events, Groups, and Rooms

When using Check-In Kiosk, a participant displays differently in search results based on how the Event, Group, and Rooms are set up in the Platform. See Searching Event Participants for details.