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Troubleshooting Pre-Check Check-In

Note: Pre-Check is a great tool to make check-in faster (and touchless!), not make a reservation or holding a spot.

Scan a Pre-Check QR code to bypass the Household search screen and print the appropriate name tags (if you need name tags). An unsuccessful scan may display the "No Results Found" or Household screen.

The "No Results Found" Screen

  • The tool misread the Pre-Check QR code and didn't return any results.
  • The kiosk isn't set up correctly to display the Event.
  • It is too early (or too late!) to check into the Event.

Kiosk Set-Up

  • The Campus must have Events to be eligible (unless the Event is in the Global Congregation, as determined by the COMMON, GlobalCongregationID Configuration Setting).
  • During kiosk setup, you may choose All Events in Ministries or Selected Events. If you identify specific events with the Selected Events option, they are eligible for Pre-Check check-in. If you selected All Events in Ministries, only events related to the selected Ministry by a Program are eligible for Pre-Check check-in. For example, if you selected Children's ministry, you must identify a Program related to Children's ministry on the Event record.

Check-In Time

  • In Attended Mode, the Check-In window starts at the beginning of the Early Check-In Period and ends when the event ends.
    • Start: The Event Start Date minus Early Check-In Period (60 minutes if unspecified).
    • End: The Event End Date and time.
  • In Unattended Mode, the Check-in window starts at the beginning of the Early Check-In Period and ends after the Late Check-In Period ends.
    • Start: The Event Start Date minus Early Check-In Period (60 minutes if unspecified).
    • End: The Event Start Date plus Late Check-In Period (30 minutes if unspecified) OR when the Event is over, whichever happens first.
Note: In Unattended Mode, the Start of the Event determines the Check-In window. It does not consider the Event End Date.

Household Screen is Displayed

If an individual checked in on their mobile device using Pre-Check, but when you scan the generated QR code, the system displays their Household rather than prints their name tags, one (or both!) of the following might be the issue:

  • They scanned an old Pre-Check QR code. Each Pre-Check is associated with a date, which must match the Event date.
  • They are a registered Event Participant for an event that is not available at the kiosk, but the kiosk shows the Household. They may be able to check into the event on the Kiosk, depending on the Event check-in search results settings.