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Send an Application Link

While not recommended, it is possible to send a link to an application.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
We recommend creating a trip and adding an application to the trip because you'll have full access to all of the features of Go Method. However, if you have sent a link to potential applicants, you must use this method to see who has completed the process.
CAUTION: This method does not tie the applicant to the event. They may have completed the appropriate application, but they will not show up in the event's applicants tab.
To send an application link:
  1. Go to Events > Applications.
  2. Click the application you want to send.
  3. Copy the Application URL and send it to your applicants.
    The Application Screen, with the Application Name and the Application URL.
To review applicants that applied through an application link:
  1. Click Events > Applications.
  2. Click Applicants.
  3. Select the application to review.
  4. Select the applicant to review.
    A General Event Application with one applicant listed.
  5. Click Accept or Deny on the left side of the screen to accept or deny the applicant.
You can now access application answers for applicants that applied through the application link.