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Select a Template

While creating a new trip or event, you can apply one or more existing applications to each participant for applicants to complete.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • You must have an existing application template.
You associate a trip application with a specific team member type. In step three of the event creation process, you will see a list of team member types for this trip. If you want to use more than one template, depending on the team member's role, you can also associate these templates to the team member type in a later step.
  1. Click the team member type.
  2. Under the Application section, click Yes to require applicants to submit their application to attend the event.
  3. Select the application template from the drop-down list.
  4. Select whether the applicant is the only person who can fill out the application. Click Yes to require the applicant to complete the application. Click No to allow someone other than the applicant to complete the application.
  5. Select whether to display the application's description on the application page. Click Yes to show the application's description on the application page. Click No to hide the application description.
  6. When finished, click Update Team Member Type.
  7. If applicable, repeat the previous steps for the trip's additional team member types.
Now applicants will see the appropriate application template based on their team member type when applying for this trip.