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Reference Questions

Reference questions require event participants to submit personal or professional references as part of event application requirements.

References can help verify a person's character, skills, history, and experience. It is important that you ask the right questions to ensure that person is the right person for the job - or, in this case, trip. Just as a future employer might request for a potential candidate to submit references from a previous employer prior to hiring, you can request potential trip participants to submit references prior to joining the trip.

In Go Method , you can create reference questions and categories, determine what kind of references are acceptable, and require your applicants to submit specific references based on the trip they're applying for.

Before you get started, there are a few terms you need to know:
Individual Type
Individual Types are the types of references you will accept and how you want to classify those references. For example, if you want to allow your participants to submit a personal reference, you can add a Friend or Family Member Individual Type. If you want to allow your participants to submit a spiritual reference, you can add a Pastor Individual Type. This way you can categorize references accordingly.
Reference Question Categories are a way to group reference questions. When you create reference questions, you will use the categories you've created to categorize the added question(s). For example, if a question for the reference is "How long has this person worked for you?", that question could fall under a Work History category.