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Create Application Questions

Add and edit questions in application templates.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • You must have an existing application template.

Application templates offer five question types: short answer, paragraph, date, single-choice, and multi-choice.

  1. Go to Events > Applications.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click Create Question.
    Application Questions drop-down menu.
  5. In the drop-down menu, select a question type.
  6. Enter the question text. If you chose single-choice or multi-choice, enter answer choices.
    1. Set the question text and answer choices as Active or Inactive Setting a question to Active means the question will now show on the application. Setting a question to Inactive removes the question from the application.
    2. Set the question text and answer choices as Required or Optional. Applicants must answer required questions, but they can leave optional questions blank.
  7. At the bottom, click Add Question to add and save the question to the application.
    Single-Choice Question Application
  8. Once complete, click Back.

You have created questions for an application and can now select an application when you create an event.

Application Question Answer Types

Application questions have five different types. These different types have different available answers, so it is important for you to choose the appropriate question for your applications.

The different application question types are as follows:

Question TypeDescriptionExample
Short AnswerApplicants provide a brief answer to the question.List any medications you are currently taking.
ParagraphApplicants provide a longer answer to the question.Describe why you want to attend this event.
DateApplicants answer the question with a date.When did you last complete a yearly physical?
Single-ChoiceApplicants select only one answer to a question.Did you receive the COVID vaccine?
Multi-ChoiceApplicants can select several answers to the question.Do you have any health conditions we should know about? Select all that apply.

Select the appropriate question type to ensure your applicants are the best fit for the event, giving both you and them peace of mind.