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Checklist items are suggested (not required) tasks, information, or other recommended items to complete. They can be trip specific or used across multiple events, and they can be set up just for trip leaders, participants, or both. Checklists are a great way to keep your team on track. Participants may have a different checklist view than trip leaders or admins.

In the Checklist section of their trip, participants can select and view checklist items and mark checklist items complete. Participants can view checklist items as many times as they want, even if they mark the item complete.

Participants see a list of checklist items when they look at their trip checklist.

Participants see a description of the checklist item when they view the checklist item.

Participants see a description of the checklist item when they view the checklist item.

When the participant marks an item complete, a check mark is applied.

The checklist item gets a check mark when the checklist item is marked complete.