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Manage Applicants

Admins and trip leaders with the appropriate permissions can review event applications. However, there are several ways admins can review applicants:

  • Review one applicant at a time for one event from the event's Applicants tab.
  • Review one applicant at a time for multiple events from the My Applicants page.
  • Review multiple applicants at a time for multiple events from the My Applicants page.
  • Review applicants that applied through an application link from the Applications page.

Review Applicants

Review applicants for more than one event at a time on the My Applicants page.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  1. Click Events > My Applicants.
To review one applicant at a time:
  1. Click the applicant's profile.
  2. In the Profile tab, click the Actions button.
  3. Click Accept to accept the applicant, Deny to reject the applicant, or Withdraw to remove the applicant's application from this event.
To review multiple applicants at a time:
  1. Click the check box to the left of each applicant's name. You can also click the check box to the left of Applicant to select all of the applicants listed.
    Note: You can't Withdraw applications for more than one applicant at a time.
    A message appears at the top of the list with the number of selected applicants and Approve and Reject buttons.
  2. Click Approve to accept the selected applicants or Reject to deny the selected applicants.
  3. Optional: Enter an approval or rejection message to be sent to all the selected applicants.