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Associate Application to Team Member Types

When creating a new event, associate an application to specific team member types.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • You must have an existing application template.
Associating applications with specific team member types customizes questions based on the team members' roles. This also speeds up the application process. For example, you may want to ask trip leaders different or additional questions than a typical participant. You wouldn't want the bulk of your participants to wade through questions that don't apply to them. To target applications to the team so, you must assign an application to a specific team member type.
  1. Click Create a New Event.
  2. Complete step one, Event Info.
  3. Complete step two, Appearance.
  4. In step three,Team Member Types, select a team member type.
    Assign Application to Team Member Types
  5. Under Application, click Yes to require participants to apply to the event.
    Application Settings
  6. Select the desired application from the Choose the Application to Use drop-down list.
  7. At the bottom, click Update Team Member Type to save your changes.
You have now associated the application with a specific team member type.