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Background Checks

While background checks may be optional for some mission trips, we strongly recommend them for all your trips.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • Admins can add the Protect My Ministry integration in Admin > Settings.
Admins can enable background checks. Background check type, length of time the background check remains valid, and the cost of the background check is set at the global level across all events where background checks are required. Go Method integrates with Protect My Ministry to incorporate background checks.
  1. Click Admin > Settings.
  2. On the left menu, click Software Integration > Background Checks.
    On the Settings screen, the Software Integration tab is highlighted on the far left, the Background Checks tab highlighted on the left. Information for background checks is on the right.
  3. Enter your Protect My Ministry account credentials.
  4. Once Protect My Ministry credentials are verified, background check preferences are set in Go Method.