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Printing Contributions Statements at Year-End

You can print the Charitable Contributions Report, the Flex Statement, and the Plain Paper Statement.

You can print the Charitable Contributions Report to show either all gifts for all contributors or only gifts from contributors that qualify under IRS regulations.

How gifts reflect on statements

Transaction Type


Regular EntryThese entries display on statements.
Gift with DescriptionThese entries display on statements. The Description field prints on the Plain Paper Statement and Charitable Contributions Report only.The Description field is not available for the Flex Statement.
Gift for Item of ValueThese entries print on statements for the total amount posted.Total amounts of Gift for Item of Value entries on the Charitable Contributions Report and Plain Paper Statement are calculated based on the total amount of the transactions minus the value of service (total transaction amount - value of service = total amount posted).
Non-CashIf gifts are posted as non-cash with a zero dollar amount, nothing shows on statements.If posted as non-cash with a dollar value to be applied against a pledge, the dollar value prints on the Flex Statement, but prints as zero on the Charitable Contributions Report and the Plain Paper Statement.
Non-DeductibleThese entries print on statements as on all other entries, but they do not display on the Charitable Contributions Report or the Plain Paper Statement.
Note: If you enter check numbers during transaction entry, the check numbers print on the Plain Paper Statement and Charitable Contributions Report.
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