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Edit Your Scheduled Gift

Make a change to your recurring gift.

  • If you share your giving with someone else, only the person who entered the scheduled gift can edit it.
  • If you're an administrator or user with permission, see the help articles under Scheduled Gifts.
Note: Contact an administrator if you need further assistance with your gifts. For example, contact them if you need a refund.
  1. Sign in to your Realm site.
  2. Click Giving in the main menu.
  3. Click Scheduled.
  4. Click the ellipsis icon next to the recurring gift you want to edit, and select Edit.
  5. Make any necessary changes, then click Continue.
    Note: You can edit the start date and frequency only if your recurrence has not begun yet. If you need to edit either of them but your recurrence has started, you must cancel the gift and enter a new one.
  6. Make further changes if necessary, then click Save. A confirmation message displays.
  7. Click Finish.

Cancel Your Scheduled Gift

Cancel a recurring gift.

  • If you share your giving with someone else, only the person who entered the scheduled gift can cancel it.
  1. Sign in to your Realm site.
  2. Click Giving in the main menu.
  3. Click Scheduled.
  4. Click the ellipsis icon next to a scheduled gift, and select Cancel.
    Note: If you see a message that states you have insufficient rights, contact your administrator for assistance.
  5. If you're sure you want to cancel, click Confirm.

Place Your Scheduled Gift on Hold

Pause your recurrence until you're ready to reactivate it again.

  1. Sign in to your Realm site.
  2. Click Giving in the main menu.
  3. Click Scheduled.
  4. Click the ellipsis icon on the same row as the recurring gift you want to pause, and select Place On Hold.
  5. Click Confirm.

Reactivate Your Scheduled Gift

Resume giving over a period of time.

  1. Sign in to your Realm site.
  2. Click Giving in the main menu.
  3. Click Scheduled.
  4. Click the ellipsis icon on the same row as the gift you want to reactivate, and select Reactivate.
  5. Complete any of the following fields that apply:
    • Enter an Amount.
    • Select the Fund you want to give to.
    • If you want to give to a second fund at the same time, click Another Fund and complete the information.
    • To add a date for this recurrence to end, click End and select the date.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Select a Payment Method.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Finish.
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