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You have volunteers who serve in various ministries at your church. They hold doors open, care for children, lead youth group trips, and work with seniors. You probably have requirements for each of these volunteer positions. And those requirements probably vary by the ministry the volunteers are in and maybe by the role they have in that group.

You need to track all these requirements, and we created Compliance to do just that. The best part? It's customizable, so you can do your church your way!

There are two read-only Compliance pages that put information regarding your volunteer's eligibility for service in one place with pre-loaded views to guide your way.

  • Compliance: Lists everyone who is serving in a group and shows their current status for each of the components required for their Group Role. Opening a record will show the participant's group and compliance information. Provided Views include:
    • All Records: Shows everyone serving in a group.
    • Current All Clear: Everyone who is serving in a group whose requirements are up to date.
    • Current Need Background Check: Those serving in a group who are missing their background check.
    • Current Need Certification: Those serving in a group who are missing their certification.
    • Current Need Form: Those serving in a group who are missing a required Form.
    • Current Need Milestone: Those serving in a Group that are missing a required Milestone.
    • End Dated Group Participants: People who are no longer serving in a Group and the status of their requirements.
    • Recently Added: Group Participants who have been added in the past 7 days.
  • Compliance Details: Lists everyone who is serving in a Group and allows Users to see the specific Background Checks, Certifications, Forms, and Milestones, along with their details. Provided Views include:
    • Current All Clear: Everyone serving in a Group who is current on all of their Requirements.
    • Recently Added: Group Participants who have been added in the past 7 days.

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