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Get Started with Compliance

Tip: Mix and match the service requirements that work for your church! We recommend starting small and setting up a few, simple Requirements to get started. You can always add more after building a solid foundation.
  • Add the Months to Expire to each Background Check Type your church uses.
  • Create the Certification Types that work for your church, like a training video or class. Each Certification Type can have its own expiration time period.
  • Create Requirements for service for the Group Role.
Tip: If the form needs to be resubmitted periodically (for example, an annual Ministry agreement), add a value to the Months Till Expires field on th Custom Form record (for an annual agreement, enter 12). A routine runs nightly to populate the corresponding Expires field on the Form Responses with the appropriate expiration date. And you'll know exactly when the Participant is no longer compliant.
  • Add requirement information for your volunteers.
    • Background Check Information will be added via the nightly routine.
    • Certification Type: Create a Certification record for the volunteer.
    • Milestone: Add the required milestone for the volunteer.
    • Form: Will be added automatically when the volunteer completes the required form.
  • Use the Compliance page to track whether Participants have completed the needed Requirements at-a-glance.
    • Each volunteer are listed for each Group or Group Role. Volunteers may be listed more than once.
    • As Participants complete the requirements, each requirement field is updated in real-time. The requirements can be:
      • Not Required: This Requirement is not required for the Group Participant.
      • Missing: This Requirement is required but not present for the Group Participant.
      • Passed: This Requirement is required and present for the Group Participant.
      • Expired: This Requirement is required but expired for the Group Participant.

Create Certification Types

Create the Certification Types that work for your church, like a training video or class. Each Certification Type can have its own expiration time period.
  1. Go to Lookup Values > Certification Types.
  2. Select the New Certification Type.
  3. Fill out the fields.
  4. Click Save.

Create Requirements for Service for the Group Role

  1. Go to Church Structure > Requirements.
  2. Click New Requirement.
  3. Fill out the necessary fields.
    • Background Check Type: The Background Check Type required for this role. Each Background Check can have its own expiration time period.
    • Certification Type: A certification is required for this role.
    • Milestone: The single Milestone required for this role. Perhaps the final milestone in a journey of a few requirements would be a good fit?
    • Form: The single Custom Form that needs to be completed for this role. Like an application or ministry agreement.
  4. Click Save.