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The serving section is where you view and update your volunteer information.

Volunteers are an essential part of every church's ministry and outreach. Realm provides ways to help a volunteer connect with team leaders and ensure that you're serving in the right opportunity for your skills and interests. Your church may also request a background check based on the type of role you're looking to fill.

The Serving section is where you can view all of your volunteer information. Here, you can see a list of the teams that you're a part of, and what roles you have on those teams. Clicking a team's name provides more information about the team, and a way to connect with that team through a Newsfeed.

You can view and edit your availability. If you need to change which days you're available, or what dates you're unavailable on, you can do it here. This updates your preferences that the team leader sees when they create a schedule for your team.