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View a Replacement Request Status

View the status of your volunteer replacement request.

If you've accepted a volunteer assignment, but discover you can't serve, you can send a replacement request to other volunteers and ask them to serve in your place. You can see the status of replacement requests you've sent on your assignments list. When someone accepts your replacement request, they are automatically placed on the schedule, and you are removed from that assignment.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Connect. Then click Serving.
  2. Click See All Assignments to view a list of your assignments. The status of your replacement request displays under the information for that assignment.

    Replacement Request Status

    A replacement request can have one of the following statuses:
    • Replacement request not accepted yet - Your request is still pending.
    • Everyone declined your replacement request - All volunteers have declined.
    • Your replacement request has been accepted - A volunteer has accepted your request.